Saturday, September 8, 2007

Writing... Sunday Scribblings!

Sometimes I think I am crazy... really. There is a constant stream of words pouring through my head at all times and when I take the time to listen I almost feel like I am spying on someone else's thoughts. Occasionally, I catch the words, phrases and ideas like the little dandelion fluffs that blow in the wind and commit them to paper or blog and pass them along with a wish that they'll inspire someone else or touch someone else's life. That's the writing process for me. If I try to sit down and write, nothing comes to me. Let me get into the car alone for longer than a few minutes and words and phrases literally tumble out of my brain and it's all I can do to remember them until later. I've seriously contemplated getting a voice recorder so that I can do a better job of catching them before they fall out and are never found again but everytime I am in a place that sells that type of thing, I don't remember that I want one.

Other times I write to let the pain or joy of the day out and allow others to soothe the wounds or rejoice with me. A diary just doesn't provide that kind of feedback and I share so much better in the written word than I do when spoken. I fumble through speaking how I feel yet writing how I feel comes naturally. This makes for difficult waters with a husband who is the exact opposite. The art of clear communication will always be a mystery between us, I think.

(For more Sunday Scribblings on writing please click in the link on the sidebar!)


Becca said...

I certainly relate to so much of what you've written here. I, too, tend to get so many great ideas in the car, and in the bathtub. Someone needs to make a waterproof notebook and pen!

I have trouble verbazling what I want to say, as well. It always comes out much better in pen and ink.

Great post!

GreenishLady said...

I think rather than finding ways to record the ideas that come at inconvenient times (driving, showering) it's great if you can teach your brain to go into that mode (right-brain, relaxed) when you are able to pick up pen and paper. Natalie Goldberg's books are a good resource.

lissa said...

I can understand that - sometimes there's just too thought in your brain - you don't have enough time to let it.

You should just get a notebook and pen and just scribble as fast as you can even if it doesn't make sense later when you re-read it. It's best to just let your thoughts flow.

d sinclair said...

yep - the brain goes non-stop! Thank goodness for meditation, breathing exercises and long walks. As a mother of five girls I think it becomes a survival skill to think a thousand things at once... it can be frustrating to have a great idea (or flood of them) while doing something all-consuming and later find that they've disappeared into whatever I was doing at the time.. luckily there's always more where they came from!

Anonymous said...

I know! Where does it come from. I know it's voice when I hear it. It break in at the most inopportune times.

I think writing is a meeting of notes and the actual work of doing it. The voice recorder wasn't kinesthetic enough for me. My fingers seem to be needed as part of the process.

I actually scribbled today.

Amber said...

"If I try to sit down and write, nothing comes to me. Let me get into the car alone for longer than a few minutes and words and phrases literally tumble out of my brain and it's all I can do to remember them until later"----

Oh my gosh I KNOW!! LOL! I do this all.the.time. I did get one of those little tape recorders, but I couldn't stand to listen to my own voice. lol


gautami tripathy said...

When I attend workshops or seminars, I never jot down anything. I store everything inside my head and when I get back, I type out what I assimilated.

Ampersand said...

I have those same voices that you and Colleen have. You described it so well.

paisley said...

i am still waiting for them to be able to record brain waves as words... i know some of my best stuff got lost in the fluff.....

Jodi Cleghorn said...

Walking and the clothes line, along with driving are my favourite hot spots. Years ago when I worked in after school and vacation care I would have to drive an hour each way to work ... and out on the lonely road, hooning down the highway, was where I got all the creative inspiration for their activities.

I thought about a voice recorder, but I am useless at verbalising, its like there is a short circuit between brain and mouth, which is overcompensated by the brain hand connection!

Anonymous said...

I've had the same issue at times and now I take a notebook with me everywhere so that I can try and capture my thought so I can expand on it in front of the computer.

Tumblewords: said...

Oh, yes. I enjoyed reading and thinking about your words. Lots of meat there.