Saturday, May 26, 2007

Simple Pleasure #3


During my last road trip I bought a $6 Sudoku book at a truck station. I've always loved number games and puzzles so Sudoku is right up my alley. While working the puzzles during the last half of our drive I could feel neglected neural pathways (to use a Star Trek term) slowly reviving to rise to the challenge of discovering patterns and eliminating options. Here it is less than a week later and my speed has increased doublefold. I feel like Sudoku is one more way to train my mind in the hope of not losing my mental acuity as I age.


Dancingirl said...

Yes... in our paper the Sudoku puzzles start out easier and get harder through the week... So I've claimed the Monday puzzle. Stephanie does the rest of them...she is a number/puzzle person unlike her mom. I am slow, but I hope I'm doing my neural pathways some good! Someday maybe I'll graduate to Tuesday's puzzle!

Ampersand said...

I like Sudoku, but not too often or I start to find it tedious...but, yes, here's to preserving those neural networks...the one's that motherhood kills off :).