Monday, August 20, 2007

WTF Or Don't Mess With My Kid...

What would you do if your daughter, whom you know has already accepted Jesus as the Son of God with as much knowledge as a girl of her age of then 5 could muster, was somehow led to believe she needed to ask again during the last day of VBS (Vacation Bible School)? Yes, my now 8 year old daughter made the joke that there were now "two Jesus'" partying in her heart. I am Christian. I will readily admit that but I don't believe in alter calls for little kids. The first time she asked Jesus into her heart came about as her own decision in a natural setting after we had been reading the Bible together. But, this time... I am not even sure what was said. Supposedly my 5 year old did the same and overall, I think asking Jesus into your heart isn't a bad or negative thing but it is when you don't understand what you are doing or are led to do so out of a feeling of following the crowd. And, even if she was ready to do so, I dislike the fact that my 8 year old felt the need to do so again. I've heard too many stories from people who have either left their faith or are bitter about their faith who attended churches where they felt so guilty that they responded to alter calls on a regular basis. I think the decision to put faith in Jesus is a one time deal that grows with you as you mature especially if you have made such a decision at an earlier age. Ugh. So, I am left with an icky feeling and the need to have a discussion with my daughters that I didn't want to have. That's what I get for signing up my kids at a friend's church so that our kids could have some summer fun together and learn a little more about our faith at the same time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

well good for you. consider this your first sign that it's all bullshit. ALL BULLSHIT.