Thursday, February 14, 2008

OK, so Josiah Leming is selling his songs directly...

from his MySpace Page. I love it. I had commented on his you tube that I thought he should bypass trying to get signed by a record company and sell his songs himself. I visited his MySpace Page and while there weren't links to buy songs at first, now there are. Apparently he has about three separate EP's available. I seriously think bypassing huge multi-million dollar music companies the wave of the future or at least part of the future. I mean, he'll probably make more money this way due to his AI exposure than he would if he was signed. Who knows? Granted, without AI he wouldn't have the exposure but I wonder what other avenues exist for artists to gain exposure without being signed?

Here's a link to his MySpace...

And, yeah, I downloaded his songs.


Unknown said...

There's nowhere to buy songs now... at least, all I see is his picture behind all the comments (so many comments!!).

I love how he sounds on that site. Gorgeous. He should get signed right away. I like going directly to myspace, but I can't figure out how to buy his music. And I wonder about production qualities.

Dalissa McEwen Reeder said...

There's a program called snocap on the lower right on the myspace page and you have to set up an account. I set one up and purchased the songs using my paypal account. So far, they sound pretty good but I haven't listened to all of them yet because i was out for the day.