The way I see it the most amazing phenomenon is the fact that human life is... I think, therefore; I am. Really, what is more wondrous than the ability to imagine, create, love and calculate? And, what about those transitory moments where one can feel the presence of God or when the existence of a higher being cannot be denied due to the sheer amount of synchronicty in the universe occuring in one's life? Moments like those are phenomenal as well. One can debate that those moments don't exist at all but if not at all than how is it that a person can cry out to God, "I've never had a Father" and then open to the exact page in the Bible randomly that says, "Abba, I am your Father"? Or, lock oneself alone in a room at work to pray and ask God for a sign and look up and literally see the word "SIGN" printed in magic marker on the side of a box. Whether it is God or not it cannot be denied that moments like those when woven into a life expanding decades point to the fact that there is something more to the universe than that which can easily be seen, felt, tasted, smelled or touched. One morning I awoke at the cusp of sunrise to the most intense feeling of being loved surrounding me, encompassing me, absorbing me... it was as if the curtain separating man from Creator was lifted momentarily to reveal a small taste of what heaven must be like. Moments like those sustain me in memory when traversing the imperfect world we live in.
(For more phenomenal Sunday Scribblings, click on the link in my sidebar!)
This was such a moving post...and there's so much truth in it. There is awe and wonder most everyday when we contemplate in the way you did today. I especially enjoyed how described His presence upon awaking in the morning.
This was such a moving post...and there's so much truth in it. There is awe and wonder most everyday when we contemplate in the way you did today. I especially enjoyed how described His presence upon awaking in the morning.
Life is what makes life worth living and life is a gift from God. You express this truth so beautifully.
I read a quote the other day on another blog by Chesterton....
"sunrise of wonder"
How grateful I am to rise every day to a sunrise of wonder....
I needed to read this...
Thank you.
This is just beautiful and so well phrased.
- Jess
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